1. Prometheus

There’s no way to miss this gilded bronze sculpture presiding over Rockefeller Center’s skating rink. The creation of American sculptor Paul Manship, it depicts the eponymous figure from Greek mythology who gave mankind the gift of fire and who became a symbol of enlightenment and civilization. He did it the hard way, however, since he went against the wishes of Zeus, King of the Olympian gods: He punished Prometheus for his act by chaining him to a rock and having an eagle peck out his liver, which grew back every day so that the sentence would be carried out indefinitely. Ouch. Manship shows Prometheus descending from the heavens, surrounded by a ring with the signs of the zodiac. Conspiracy theorists, who believe the Rockefellers headed up a secret cabal that controls the world, point out that the Prometheus legend is a precursor to the Biblical story of Lucifer—the angel who got kicked out of heaven for defying God when he brought light to humanity. According to this theory, Prometheus, as well other symbols around the 19-building complex provide evidence that Rockefeller Center was built as a Luciferian temple.
Rockefeller Center