1. Union Square Greenmarket

Located in one of New York’s most well known spaces, the Union Square Greenmarket has become world-famous. Since its first appearance in 1976, this Greenmarket has grown exponentially and continues to do so every year. With over 140 different vendors and an estimated 60,000 shoppers, the atmosphere is exciting, lively and ready for action. The market operates year-round, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 8am–6pm. Find the vendors on the North and West sides of Union Square Park, as well as compost and textile recycling on market days between 8am and 4pm (compost through 5pm). Open Mondays year-round 9am–6pm (also select Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays). North and West sides of Union Square Park (grownyc.org).