Photograph: Grace Chu
Photograph: Grace Chu |

Sarah and Elizabeth, Upper West Side
Have you ever been to the circus before?
Elizabeth: “Yeah, we came to the Big Apple Circus last year. It was really fun. I really liked the whole thing.”
Sarah: “There were a lot of tricks. I liked the contortionist. It was freaky but it was really cool.”
If you were to run away and join the circus, what would you be?
Sarah: “I’d be a lion tamer! I love lions.”
Elizabeth: “I think I’d do the trapeze and fly around.”

Opening weekend at the Big Apple Circus 2013 (slide show)

Little New Yorkers tell us what they love most about the circus, and what they’re most excited about for this year’s Big Apple Circus: Luminocity!


We were wowed by this year’s Big Apple Circus, which finally arrived at Lincoln Center on  Friday, October 25. And what better way to welcome the original city spectacle than with an NYC-themed show? Among the amazing acts were characters familiar to every city kid, such as clowns pretending to be lost tourists, a pickpocketing magician, trapeze artists masked as businesswomen and a teeterboard troupe wearing costumes that looked like fireworks.

RECOMMENDED: Big Apple Circus brings Luminocity to Lincoln Center

Before Saturday’s show, we chatted with little circusgoers to see what they were most excited about seeing at the Big Apple Circus. Click through our slide show to see their answers, as well as a sneak peak of what’s in store at this year's show.

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