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Photograph: Shutterstock
Photograph: Shutterstock

21 things every NYC parent has Googled at least once

We all ask Google our most desperate questions. How else will you know when your kids should pay for the subway?


What was parenting like before Google? Historians tell us that families existed before the search engine came into being, but we're pretty sure that they didn't know how to find or do anything. 

Thankfully those dark times are over, and we can bark questions into our phone whenever the need arises. The queries are different in NYC than in other places—what we ask Google is one of the ways you can tell a real New Yorker from a fake New Yorker.

What you do with that info is up to you. It's OK not to be truthy about the opening hours of the best ice cream shops in NYC, or where to find the best milkshakes in NYC. "Oh no, it's closed!" is one of those lies all NYC parents tell their kids.

1. Can kids ride the subway for free?

The "short" answer? Yes, until they're 44 inches tall. But parents have been known to conveniently forget that rule. 

2. Best narrow bunk bed

Because that alcove can totally be a second bedroom.

3. Closest playground

For those times when the kids are acting like little maniacs, and you're in an unfamiliar neighborhood, and you want them to blow off a little steam bouncing around one of the best kids' playgrounds in NYC before heading home.  

4. Closest water playground

It's hot, the Rockaways is forever away, and the kids need to cool off before everybody overheats. Chances are Google will send you to one of these water playgrounds for kids in NYC.

5. Closest ice cream

What better reward than a visit to one of the best ice cream shops in NYC? After all, you deserve it—maybe you'll get cones for the kids, too.

6. Closest bathroom

Did you know there's an app for that?

7. Closest Duane Reade

You need Band-Aids/Neosporin/wipes/diapers/Benadryl/Children's Tylenol/sunscreen/a Häagen-Dazs ice cream bar, and you need it NOW.

8. Can children bike on sidewalk?

For those times when you're on an NYC bike path that's part time-trial racetrack, part Mad Max. Note that you can always head to one of the best bike trails for families in NYC.

9. Can children eat at a bar?

Everybody knows the best seats are at the bar, but you want to make sure it's A-OK with NYC before grabbing a few stools.

10. Luna Park height requirements

Better to know before heading out on what feels like a three-hour subway ride to Coney Island. 

11. How to get crayon off wall

That playdate was awesome but...

12. How to get crayon out of couch time they should maybe just play with LEGO...

13. How to get chocolate out of couch

...and have snacks at the dining room table... 

14. How to get playdough out of carpet

...and then watch a movie for kids...

15. How to get playdough out of clothes

...or a TV show for kids and keep it simple, OK?

16. Can you use a taxi without a car seat?

It's always better to know before you go. 

17. Child admission Yankee Stadium

Because full-price tickets are HOW MUCH?

18. Best waterproof mattress protector

There's a reason why these exist.

19. What is NYC ice cream truck song?

Part earworm, part siren song, that doody-doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo is inescapable in the summer. As Rage Against the Machine put it: Know your enemy.

20. Is Central Park Zoo free?

Central Park is free, so wouldn't it make sense that everything in Central Park is free? No?

21. What is this rash?

You can't un-see these images, but it's all part of being a parent.

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