
Will students in NYC schools be required to take state tests next year?

Lawmakers are pushing for cancelations.

Written by
Danielle Valente
Scantron test
Photograph: Courtesy Shutterstock

The summer's not over, but we're already focused on September—and well after the start of the new school year, for that matter. 

Families are still waiting to see how the new term will play out, yet lawmakers are looking to make some adjustments to the upcoming school year. In a letter sent to Chancellor Betty A. Rosa, New York State Board of Regents and Shannon Tahoe, interim New York State education commissioner, 14 local legislators representing all five boroughs suggested the cancellation of New York State English language arts and mathematics tests for elementary and middle school students. 

"We are writing to ask that you promptly request federal waivers of of assessments, accountability, and reporting requirements that would allow you to cancel the New York State English Language Arts and Mathematics tests for the 2020-21 school year," the letter reads. 

The lawmakers outline the hurdles students will likely face when remote and digital learning returns, and they state that it would be unfair to add to  anxiety to children during an already difficult time. During the spring 2020 term, Regents exams were cancelled

We'll keep you posted about the final decision and all of your back-to-school concerns. Make sure to register for the NYC DOE's virtual city-wide back-to-school info sessions. The final one will be held on Aug 27.

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