
These NYC nabes want Mister Softee to quiet down

Written by
Danielle Valente
Photograph: Courtesy Shutterstock

Mister Softee's tune is the quintessential sound of summer, but when his whimsical chimes are on repeat day after day, it can almost discourage an ice cream cone purchase for some New Yorkers (perish the thought).

According to data from Localize.City, roughly 1,200 calls to 311 have been placed over the past year (through Aug 15) regarding the truck's music. Drivers continually make a beeline to particular locations where they expect to cash in on sales, but not everyone is terribly pleased with their route. 

"It’s apparent that ice cream trucks know their audience and are targeting parks and playgrounds—but families might not be totally cool about that,” data analyst Daniel Slutsky said in a statement

Looks like a little outdoor fun is interrupted with the infamous tune—one kids can't resist but parents wish would disappear. As a result, decided to uncover where the most complaints have been filed over the past 12 months (through July 30). Its scientists mapped out clusters of complaints within 1,760 feet of one another to pinpoint which area was being targeted the most. Are you located near any of these top complaint spots? 

  • Captain Tilly Park in Jamaica, Queens 
  • Union Square Park and Madison Square Park in Manhattan 
  • Bailey Playground, Fort Independence Playground and Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx 
  • Rainbow Playground, Brizzi Playground in Sunset Park, Brooklyn 
  • Newtown Playground in Elmhurst, Queens 
  • Linnette C Williamson Memorial Park, Martin Luther King Jr. Playground, Morningside Park, Marcus Garvey Park, TRUCE Garden and Playground One Twenty Five CXXV in East Harlem, Manhattan 
  • Whalen Park in Norwood, Manhattan 
  • John Hancock Playground, Herbert Von King Park, Hattie Carthan Community Garden, Banneker Playground and Tranquility Farm in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn
  • Nicholas Naquan Heyward Jr. Park, Boerum Park, North Pacific Playground, Fort Greene Park and Oracle Playground in Fort Greene/Boreum Hill, Brooklyn 
  • Soundview Park in the Bronx 
  • Annunciation Playground, Jacob H. Schiff Playground, Montefiore Square, Alexander Hamilton Playground, Frank White Memorial Garden, Carmansville Park and Jackie Robinson Park in West Harlem, Manhattan 
  • Inwood Hill Park, Fort Tryon Park, Dyckman House Museum and Isham Park in Inwood, Manhattan 

"The local hot spots might vary year-to-year, but it’s clear that there remain corridors where residents are persistently annoyed by the song and trying to do something about it,” Slutsky added.

Though the results can be a bit overwhelming, complaints did drop 20 percent from last year. So what do you think? Are people getting used to Mister Softee's beat or are they fleeing because of his jam?

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If you're looking for sweets without Mister Softee's music, check out NYC's most delicious ice cream shops, cookie delivery services and best bakeries

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