
Principals ask the state to take over NYC schools: Governor Cuomo responds

"The data is key and we'll act on the data."

Written by
Danielle Valente
empty classroom
Photograph: Shutterstock

On Sunday, Sept 27, the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators' Executive Board called on Mayor Bill de Blasio and Chancellor Richard Carranza to seek intervention from the State Education Department for NYC schools for the remainder of the pandemic. 

In a statement on Facebook, the organization of 6,400+ leaders addressed its main concerns—the safe return to school and staffing issues. You can access the full message below.  

CSA Calls On Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza to Seek Intervention from the State Education Department On...

Posted by Council of School Supervisors & Administrators on Sunday, September 27, 2020

On Monday, Governor Andrew Cuomo responded to the request. According to ABC, the state will monitor the school situation with testing, but a takeover is not planned at this time. Should there be any changes, it'll all be according to the facts. 

"The data is key and we'll act on the data," the Governor said during a Sept 28 update. 

The reopening of NYC schools was delayed twice. Now, the process is set to continue this week: K–5 and K–8 schools will reopen for in-person learning on Sept 29. Middle schools and high schools will reopen for in-person learning on Oct 1. Only 3K, pre-K and District 75 schools reopened on Sept 21, the original date in which blended learning planned to begin. Families can track all New York State schools' virus rates with the COVID-19 Report Card.  

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