
NYC selects new schools chancellor...again

Written by
Danielle Valente
Photograph: Courtesy AP/REX/Shutterstock

It looks like second time's the charm (hopefully). 

In an unexpected and "unusual" move, Alberto M. Carvalho declined Mayor Bill deBlasio's offer for the role of New York City schools chancellor on TV last week. Now, Richard A. Carranza, superintendent of Houston schools, has been selected for the position, amNY reports. 

Although Carranza's start date has yet to be finalized, the wheels seem to be in motion. As the head of the largest school system in Texas and the former superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District, Carranza has quite a few accolades on his résumé. He was responsible for increasing the graduation rate in San Francisco and getting Houston schools up and running post Hurricane Harvey. 

deBlasio spent his weekend discussing the future of NYC schools with Carranza, and the mayor claims that their conversation ended in a "very, very good place," amNY further reports. So what does that mean for NYC youngsters? Carranza is described as a proponent of all students and is looking to change the system. It's not uncommon for him to talk about his love for mariachi music and even play a song or two. In fact, he also believes in the power of music education, something all NYC parents can get behind. 

Although it was a bit of a bumpy ride, it looks like things are finally settling down in the NYC school system. The current school chancellor, Carmen Fariña, is expected to leave her role at the end of the month. Here's to a positive future for the 1.1 million students. 

School might still be in session, but it's time to start thinking about how your kids will spend their summer. Check out our list of day campssleepaway camps and performing arts camps

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