
NYC school zones are about to lose their speed cameras

Written by
Danielle Valente
Photograph: Courtesy Shutterstock

Unless you speak up, that is.

Keeping kids safe in NYC is not without its challenges, but there are ways to ensure that little residents are protected, especially when they're at school. 

Mayor Bill de Blasio is teaming up with lawmakers and safety proponents to urge the state Senate to pass bill A7798C/S6046C, which confirms that existing speed cameras near school zones (140 zones) are preserved and others are installed in high-priority locations (raising the total to 290 zones). The bill received bi-partisan support in the Senate, but still needs to hit the floor.

Summer school is in session, and before you know it, the new term will arrive. The city is working to make sure that these cameras aren't turned off, which they're scheduled to do on July 25 according to Raul Contreras of the mayor's office. (Bills from 2013 and 2014 that allowed these 140 zones to receive cameras are set to expire.) 

"Our children’s lives depend on it," Contreras says. "The data is clear—speed cameras save lives."

Speeding has declined by 63 percent in school zones where the cameras are present, according to data from the mayor's office. Undoubtedly, parents would like to see this number decrease even more. If this is an issue you believe strongly about, learn more about the bill here. The mayor's office is encouraging residents to phone their local state senator and show their support for the bill. 

What do you think, parents? Will you fight for this to get signed? 

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