Much like Frank Sinatra, New Yorkers pride themselves on waking up in the city that never sleeps. The only problem? Most of them never go to bed in the first place.
Whether it's a heavy workload, tending to kids or simply wandering around this nocturnal metropolis into the wee hours, plenty New Yorkers can't remember the last time they got a good night's sleep. A lack of shut eye does have some benefits—no New Yorker will resist a few cups of coffee— but the downside is that we miss venturing into a new world when we close our eyes.

Photograph: Courtesy Dream Machine
Enter "Dream Machine," a forthcoming interactive exhibit heading to Williamsburg on Apr 5 that lets visitors of all ages in the middle of the rem cycle, exploring what it's like to dream (while being fully awake, of course). A la 29 Rooms, Dream Machine takes curious minds into 10 different rooms for a new experience. Ever wonder what it would feel like to float on a cloud? Want to see life through a black and white lens? You can with this exhibit.

Photograph: Courtesy Dream Machine
After wandering through this quirky, unreal experience, you'll be inclined to grab a pillow and hit the hay. After all, you have dreams of your own to remember in the morning. The Beatles said it best: "Leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping."
93 North 9th St, Brooklyn (
Looking for more NYC fun? Visit these kids attractions, grab a bite to eat one of these fun restaurants and start making a list of things to do in spring.