Staying cooped up inside has its challenges, especially during springtime.
To make things a bit easier on all of us, Queens County Farm—the largest tract of undisturbed farmland in NYC—will give urbanites a taste of their bucolic grounds virtually (for now).
Every day at 4pm, families can channel their inner environmentalist by logging onto the venue's Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram for a sneak peek at the #barncam. From a farmer's perspective, audiences will get a sense of what's growing on the land, how the livestock is keeping busy and much more. Plus, recipes, storytimes and animal videos are slated for inclusion in the online series, and that's right up our alley.
Have a look at this week's #barncam lineup:
Monday, Mar 23: Pop Quiz – Which Farm Animal Are You?
Tuesday, Mar 24: The Daffodil Project 9/11 Memorial
Wednesday, Mar 25: Wild Recipes for Spring – Dandelion Pesto
Thursday, Mar 26: Four Season Farming in Cold Frames
Friday, Mar 27: Do-It-Yourself Butter Churning
Saturday, Mar 28: Farm Animal Feature – Goats on the Farm
Sunday, Mar 29: Planting Guide for your Spring Garden

Photograph: Courtesy Sarah Meyer
Petting zoos and cooking classes might not be in the card for the time being, but you and the littles can enjoy the best of the city—or, in this case, the farm—right from home. Be sure to explore other virtual storytimes, museum visits and classes. Stay safe, NYC!
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