
Vote for your favorite family-friendly NYC neighborhood!

Allie Early
Written by
Allie Early
Photograph: Gryffindor/ Wikimedia Commons

It’s time…time to vote for your favorite family neighborhood in NYC! We’re looking for your absolute favorite places to raise kids in the five boroughs, and we need your help calling out the best of the best! Yes...we're talking to you! Especially those of you who were fired up last year when your amazing neighborhoods didn't make the top ten.

In the form below, cast your vote for your specific neighborhood, and share with us why it’s so spectacular. Do you love the Slope? The Lower East side? Astoria? Does your neighborhood have all the best playgrounds (which ones?) or the best restaurants (why are they awesome?). Are there great parents’ groups based there? Parks that are perfect for playing the day away? We want to know! Click here to see how our readers voted last year.

Take a minute to vote in the form below for a chance to see your nabe mentioned in 2016's top ten list, and be sure to share with your friends!

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