This time of year, parents have a lot on their plates in order to prep the house for guests on Thanksgiving and make it a great Christmas for kids. With so much going on, you might feel like you're starting to lose it, and you're definitely not alone—stay-at-home mom, Gayle Waters-Waters, can relate! In this hilarious video, Gayle (played by Chris Fleming) goes on a rampage, demanding that her family puts their shoes in the cubbies, fluffs the pillows and more before the guests arrive.
She runs around shouting orders like "I want this place looking like Disney On Ice in one minute!" creating more chaos than anything. If we're being honest, we can all relate to Gayle's frantic behavior when company is coming over. When the stress of the holidays gets to be too much, it's best to grab some hot chocolate and take a moment to relax. Meanwhile, Gayle will say what we're really thinking: "There can not be any sign of living in this house!"