Harry Potter fans will soon get to try their hand at the important O.W.L (Ordinary Wizarding Level) exams that Harry, Ron and Hermione had to study for and pass during their fifth year. For "How to Pass Your O.W.L.s at Hogwarts: A Prep Course," The New York Academy of Medicine’s library in East Harlem has collected rare books and objects—some dating back to the 15th century—on topics relating to seven courses taught at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Photograph: Courtesy The New York Academy of Medicine
In the online prep course for "Care of Magical Creatures," students will learn about the mythical beings that appear in the books, including merpeople, unicorns, centaurs and dragons. Skills needed to fend off the evil and powerful will appear in "Defense Against the Dark Arts" while "Herbology" and "Potions" will illustrate how early plant- and animal-based ingredients were used as medicine. See how early philosophers used the stars and planets to forecast the future in "Divination" and used alchemy to transform metal into gold in "Transfiguration." And because no wizard can truly rise to greatness without learning about the past, "History of Magic" takes us through a crash course on witchcraft and occult practices.

Photograph: Courtesy The New York Academy of Medicine
The collection celebrates the 20th anniversary of the publication of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. It’s crazy to think that it’s been so long since Rowling first enchanted us with her magical world, and that the love for the book series continues to live on. If you or your kids have ever wished that Hagrid appeared on your doorstop granting you admittance to Hogwarts, then studying this prep course will prove if you have what it takes to become a real wizard.
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