
The Playdate Project: Isabella and Shinjoo

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Time Out Kids contributors

Were Isabella and Shinjoo a friend match made in heaven? We sent these mini New Yorkers on a blind (play)date in the city...let's find out if they became new BFFs! 


Tour + Three Sisters family program at New York Botanical Garden - 2900 Southern Blvd, Bronx (718-817-8700,


Neighborhood: Ridgewood, Queens

Ideal playdate: Anything that brings her close to wildlife!


Neighborhood: Gramercy

Ideal playdate: Going on rides at Luna Park in Coney Island

Favorite thing about NYC:

ISABELLA: “There are so many different foods and all types of people that come together to make things.”

SHINJOO: “Ice- and roller-skating! I also like that you can do stuff in NYC that you can’t anywhere else.”

First Impression:

ISABELLA: “I thought it’d be interesting because she’s older. Once I met her, I knew it was going to be fun!”

SHINJOO: “I thought she was shy at first, but then she opened up and talked a lot and was really funny!”

Best Part:

ISABELLA: “We compared worms to see how old they were.There was a hero I made up called “invinci-worm.”

SHINJOO: “It was the rabbits! I loved petting the rabbits and petting Peanut [the rabbit] the most.”

Friend Potential:

ISABELLA: "She’s really curious. She talks a lot, which I like, because I talk a lot too!”

SHINJOO: “I liked learning her side of things. She’s so positive! It was fun spending time with her.”

Want to get set up? E-mail us at with “PLAYDATE” in the subject line (plus your kid's name, age, their interests and their NYC borough).

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