While summer camp season won't be here for quite a while, your kids can experience "Wilderness Camp" at Brooklyn Children's Museum for an exciting adventure right here in town. On the second floor of the Museum, you'll find an interactive exhibit inspired by Tatfoo Tan, whose work examines our relationship with nature.
"Wilderness Camp" offers opportunities to try camp-worthy activities, like packing a backpack full of necessary items including a mess kit, compass, canteen, maps and a warm blanket. You will also get to "set up camp" in one of the gallery's seven tents designed by Tatfoo Tan himself and read stories around a campfire! Well, a fake campfire. Don't leave without learning to tie knots (Feb 4, 5)!
On weekends in February, the exhibit will also offer Wilderness Skills workshops, where kids can learn how to build their own compass (Feb 26, 26), tie-dye with natural dyes (Feb 11, 12), and even dehydrate food (Feb 18, 19). Don't miss it!
"Wilderness Camp" opens at Brooklyn Children's Museum on January 21 and runs through June 4.
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