
Celebrate Luna Park and Deno's Wonder Wheel's openings with free rides!

Allie Early
Written by
Allie Early

The opening of Luna Park & Deno's Wonder Wheel Park every season means the true beginning of spring and other great Coney Island activities (and hope for summer)! There's plenty to celebrate during this 2017 season, including a handful of free rides for those motivated enough to get them.

Luna Park opens for the season on Sat April 8 but holds its Opening Day Ceremony on Sun April 9 from 10am–2pm (rides start at noon). Its the 90th birthday of the Coney Island Cyclone, which will get its customary egg cream christening at 11:30am Sun April 9, and the first hundred people on line for that ride will ride free. Use the hashtag #JoinThe100 for a chance to win a VIP experience during the Opening Day Ceremony, and be sure to partake in other great family-friendly entertainment at the Park that morning.

You'll also want to get to Deno's Wonder Wheel as early as possible, because in celebration of the ride's 97th year, the first 97 folks in line will get their ride for free. New to Deno's this year is a new 7D Dark Ride virtual reality ride called Stop the Zombies.

Last but not least, you'll certainly want to stop in on Fridays for Friday Night Fireworks on the Boardwalk starting at the end of June.

Happy exploring!

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