
Bryant Park's free activities start up soon!

Allie Early
Written by
Allie Early
Photograph: Shutterstock

Ready for spring? We are too! We're sure your kids are getting a little stir-crazy from being cooped up inside, so it's great to have some fun, free outdoor adventures to look forward to. Every year, our very own Bryant Park offers a multitude of great activities kids love, and participating is as easy as stopping by to get in on the action (or, in some cases, a quick RSVP online). Here are a few of our favorite upcoming events to look out for this spring and summer:


Upper terrace or deck, Bryant Park. Mon–Fri noon–1pm

Test your juggling skills at this daily juggling session. Equipment is provided! 

Le Carrousel Kids Carnival

Le Carrousel in Bryant Park. April 1 1–3pm

Celebrate being a kid! Enjoy free crafts, face painting, story time and a set from DJ Flip Bundlez.

Spring Birding Tours

42nd Street and 6th Avenue (Heiskell Plaza). April 10–May 18 Mondays 8–9am, Thursdays 5–6pm 

So many cool-looking birds call Bryant Park their home! Look for the birding sign at the park and enjoy a guided tour (a partnership with the New York City Audubon).

Poem in Your Pocket Day

Bryant Park Reading Room. April 27 10:30am–1:30pm

Stop in for NYC’s 15th annual Poem in Your Pocket day, a day-long celebration of poetry where students from elementary, middle and high schools can read their latest poems aloud, coffee-house style! 

Le Carrousel Puppet Show

Le Carrousel, Bryant Park. June 10, 17, 23 and July 1 1–2pm

Visit the park on Saturday mornings to see quirky shows from WonderSpark Puppets!

Don’t miss a visit to the Reading Room, Le Carrousel or the Art Cart, which hosts studio workshops and craft workshops throughout spring and summer (sign up for those specific sessions here). The Art Cart is also generally available during daylight hours with pencils, charcoal, sketch boards and more on offer—even crayons, colored pencils, glue and construction paper specifically for kids. Last but not least, check out more than 50 tabletop games to borrow and play during your time at the park. For more ways to keep busy, check out our favorite outdoor activities for kids and amazing family attractions.

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