Photograph: Caroline Voagen Nelson
Photograph: Caroline Voagen Nelson |

Check out the Brooklyn Museum's must-see "Gravity and Grace: The Monumental Works of El Anatsui," which showcases the breathtaking works of a mega-artist, before it closes on August 18.

Summer shows at NYC museums to see before they close (slide show)

We love nothing better than to be outside in the summer, but still want to let you know about some great shows at NYC museums that are closing soon.


Summer always conjures sunny days outside, whether playing at the beach, exploring anew playground or taking a weekend getaway. But NYC museums hardlly stop functioning come the summer solstice. In fact, some pull out some fantastic new shows when the weather warms up, such as the Cloisters' unicorn-themed extravaganza and PS1's courtyard installation, Party Wall. Many of them begin closing in August, and summer 2013is no exception. We've rounded up seven shows at NYC museums to see before we say good-bye to summer. (Don't forget: Most NYC museums are air-conditioned, some are free, and many offer workshops to keep the kids' brains agile over their school break.) Click through our slide show, below, for some museum-y inspiration.

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