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The New York Aquarium's latest extravaganza, a 1,500-square-foot maze called "Water's Extreme Journey," pulls out all the stops to draw attention to the need for more aggressive legislation to protect the world's oceans and waterways. Inside the maze, which is located under the pavilion tent, children can learn about the importance of H20 by riding a zipline through pollutants, putting together puzzles that explain the water cycle, and spinning a wildlife-themed wheel of facts. On weekends, families can also visit a mailbox station, where they can write letters to and draw pictures for local legislators (which will be delivered by the Aquarium), help create a mosaic out of 600 tiles and check out a special interactive game on the New York Bight, a seascape along the Atlantic Coast from Cape May, NJ, to Montauk that supports a rich diversity of marine life. All ages.
Free with aquarium admission
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