1. You've been too busy ‘celebrating’ Moving Day to bother with Canada Day

In the mid-1800s, the Quebec government mandated a fixed date that all rental leases would begin and end to prevent landlords from forcing people to move during the province’s harsh winters. The date began as May 1st, but during the 1970s, the government felt it would be much better if the date fell on a pre-existing holiday during the summer, so children wouldn’t have to potentially finish the tail end of a semester at a new school and workers wouldn’t miss a day of work.
As such, Moving Day was cheekily changed to July 1st, and so, while the rest of the country celebrates Canada Day, Quebecers and Montrealers sweatily eat pizza and drink warm beer, squatting on the floor of unfurnished apartments between towers of cardboard boxes. It’s a delightful tradition, really.