UPDATE: The forecast for Thursday, October 31, 2024, is now available, and for now, the disastrous scenario of 2019 (strong winds and heavy rain) does not seem to be a concern for the Montreal area.
The first snowfall could arrive as early as October in Quebec.
While enjoying all of the incredible activities fall has to offer, from pumpkin picking to visiting apple orchards—not to mention the extraordinary autumn foliage—in the back of our minds we know winter is coming.

According to a forecast by MétéoMédia, an abrupt drop in temperature will occur quickly.
The report states that a series of small systems is expected in Quebec over the coming days accompanied by a front that could bring precipitation next weekend.
In northern Quebec, snowflakes are possible.
This may be exciting news to those of us already thinking about Christmas, skiing and skating, and where to watch the free fireworks coming back to Montreal on New Years Eve.

But if you’re planning a spectacular fall hike, an autumn picnic in the park or a sunny stroll in a t-shirt through one of the recently ranked coolest neighbourhoods in the world, you might want to move up those plans.

The sudden drop in temperature can be attributed to La Niña, which is anticipated to push the region into winter conditions—perfect timing for a gigantic ramen festival to hit Montreal.
When will Montreal get its first snowfall?
MétéoMédia notes that Montreal typically sees its first snowfall around October 27 according to data between 1991 and 2020.
It was also noted that Quebec also typically receives on average 1.3 snowfalls during the month of October.
For more information about MétéoMédia, click here.
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