
Canada no longer ranked the safest country in the world to travel to in 2025

The reason Canada dropped in the rankings according to this annual study of the safest countries on the planet is not at all what you'd think.

Laura Osborne
Written by
Laura Osborne
Editor, Time Out Canada
Photograph: Shutterstock / EB Adventure Photography

Ranked number one on the list of the safest countries in the world last year, Canada has fallen down in the rankings in 2025.

The new global safety report is from Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection, who surveyed U.S. travellers that have visited various countries within the past five years, asking them to rate safety aspects like violent crime risk, terrorism safety, transportation security, and healthcare standards. 

These ratings were then combined with data from the Global Peace Index and other sources to determine a balanced overall safety score.

Which country ranked the safest country in the world?

This year, Iceland claimed the top spot after being ranked 9th-safest in 2024.

Australia followed in second place (after being in the 10th position last year), with Canada—which topped last year’s list as the safest country in the world—ranked as the third-safest country to visit in 2025.

According to the study, Canada ranked highly due to its sparse population. The country is ninth in the world for the lowest population density, which naturally reduces crime with fewer potential perpetrators or victims.

What to watch out for? This may not be the answer you're expecting: a unique set of wildlife should have you on alert.

Bears and wandering moose frequent the mid-stretches of the Trans-Canada Highway, elk populate the western areas, caribou roam farther north, wolves are widespread, and white-tailed deer are a road hazard.

The study went on to mention that between Winnipeg and Toronto, there’s a scattering of mid-sized towns, but otherwise, it’s vast open space.

Unless you're keen on spending significant time on the Trans-Canada Highway, it’s worth deciding whether you want to explore western or eastern Canada and planning your trip around that choice.

Photograph: Shutterstock/ EB Adventure Photography

What are the top 15 safest countries in the world in 2025?

1. Iceland

2. Australia

3. Canada

4. Ireland

5. Switzerland

6. New Zealand

7. Germany

8. Norway

9. Japan

10. Denmark

11. Portugal

12. Spain

13. United Kingdom

14. Netherlands

15. Sweden

What were the top 15 safest countries in the world in 2024?

1. Canada

2. Switzerland

3. Norway

4. Ireland

5. Netherlands

6. United Kingdom

7. Portugal

8. Denmark

9. Iceland

10. Australia

11. New Zealand

12. Japan

13. France

14. Spain

15. Brazil

For more information about Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection’s State of Travel Insurance research, click here.

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