Drop by the Time Out Bar at Time Out Market Montréal these days, and you're going to be treated to an all-new cocktail menu.
We know, we know, everyone and their grandmother has got new menus these days, created to help refresh their businesses' offerings since a pandemic kicked us while we were down for 20 months and counting. Thing is, we wanted to do things differently at the Market: That's we focused on using only Quebec-made products, from apéritifs for spritzes and vodka for Caesars to whisky for Old Fashioneds and rhum and absinthes for tiki-style drinks.
Pick your cocktail
There are 10 cocktails in total to choose from: Montrealers will be able to try out drinks created by the Market's mixologists and the specialists from Alambika.
Whatever you pick, it will show off some of the distilleries in the city's own backyard—think Cirka's chili vodka from their distillery by the Lachine Canal or Portage gin made by Oshlag—and beyond, from Montérégie and the Eastern Townships followed by trips up the Saint-Lawrence as far as Bas-Saint-Laurent.
Rooftop with Distillerie Wabasso (Wabasso gin)

Voyage aux Îles with Club Local (Spritz les îles & Portage gin)

Bleuet Boréal with Distillerie 3 Lacs (3 Lacs limoncello, Quebec's first)

Saint Flanelle with Cirka Distilleries (Cirka's chili vodka)

César du Cap Diamant with Distillerie de Québec & Comont (Cap Diamant vodka and agave spirit from Comont)

Negroni 1642 with Distillerie Mitis (Mugo gin)

Vieux Montréal with Distillerie de Montréal (Rosemont Whisky de Montréal)

Clé en main with Club Local (White Keys Vodka)

Anticosti with Distillerie du St. Laurent (St. Laurent gin)

Punch Petite-Patrie with Distillerie de Montréal & Distillerie Mariana (Rhum Blanc Rosemont & Absynthe Balzac)

Shop for your cocktails, too
In addition to the new cocktail menu, Time Out Market is launching a small retail shop in collaboration with Alambika so you can either stock your own bar for the holidays or pick up some stocking stuffers!
Boxes for making gin & tonics, cosmopolitans, sangrias, margaritas, and more will be on offer, including jiggers and glassware to make them easy pick-up-and-go gifts alongside a range of mixology equipment in case you plan on hosting some Christmas parties at home.
Easy party planning
Grab your friends and, more importantly, grab some drinks! Just be sure to enjoy it all responsibly.