
The Place Ville Marie Observatory is now permanently closed

What's going to happen to one of Montreal's most unique tourist destinations? It's anyone's guess for the time being.

JP Karwacki
Written by
JP Karwacki
Place Ville Marie
© Observatoire Place Ville Marie | |

The Place Ville Marie Observatory located on the 45th and 46th floors of the Place Ville Marie tower downtown will now permanently cease operations, Le Devoir reported on May 2.

Offering one of the best views of the city, the observational deck of the downtown building has been often looked to as one of the best attractions in Montreal.

In 2016, the landmark's enclosed space for a 360-degree view on the city below it received investments numbering in at $13 million for the 'Au Sommet Place Ville-Marie' project, a project which has now ceased operations. At the time of the launch, the project expect upwards of 300,00 visitors per year, but it has since seen a drop in visitors.

It's been speculated that the recent work done on the base of the building surrounding its entry points hasn't made it easy for interested parties to pay a visit. Couple that with an expected drop in tourism for the perceivable future in Montreal, and the decisions seems more and more like a no-brainer. "COVID-19 was the last nail in the coffin," says Manuela Goya, vice-president of Tourisme Montréal.

"Au Sommet Place Ville-Marie is taking advantage of the downtime caused by COVID-19 to reflect on the purpose and use of the space currently occupied by the PVM 360 observatory," said the space's executive director Geneviève Touchette in an email to Le Devoir.

As for the Les Enfants Terrible restaurant located on the 44th floor? It will remain in the tower for now, with plans to resume activities once it's allowed by authorities.

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