If you're living or passing by the Port of Montreal on Friday, May 1st, listen up: Ships will be sounding off their horns at noon in support of the 1.2 million seafarers around the world who are keeping countries like ours supplied with food, fuel, medical equipment and other important supplies in this time of great need.
Better yet, if you're in the area, honk the horn of your car—heck, use a soundboard app on your phone with an airhorn sound and some speakers turned up—to show you're in support of all the seafaring workers around the world who are doing their job and doing it well.

All of Canada's ports—if not numerous ones around the world—should be participating, with the International Transport Workers' Federation and the International Chamber of Shipping encouraging this act of solidarity for hardworking members of the frontline bringing us the goods we need.
Crews around the world have been dealing with a lot of border and travel restrictions since the start of the world locking down, and that means a lot of people have been required to extend their time aboard ships and away from people they know where they call home.
As time plods on, consider sounding your own horn or leaning out the window to clap for not only healthcare workers holding the line at hospitals, retirement homes and the like, but the workers who are making sure that our grocery stores are stocked; our SAQs have a choice selection of bottles; that there's BBQ equipment waiting for you in a Canadian Tire.
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