
Chanter sur les balcons de Montréal: Singalongs continue every Tuesday

JP Karwacki
Written by
JP Karwacki
Martha Wainwright
Photograph: URSA mtl / @ursamtl | |

Following on the success of its first balcony singalong, Montreal's own International Music Festival organization POP Montreal is continuing to host shows every Tuesday at 7:30pm EST. It's a great way to lift your spirits, warm your pipes up as spring gets into full swing, and feel connected with your fellow self-isolated Montrealers. 

Tonight's edition will feature the country singer Li'l Andy and Martha Wainwright singing three different songs over the course of an uplifting half hour from the balcony above Wainwright's arts venue URSA: First up, they'll be singing (from a safe social distance, of course) "I lost my baby" by Jean Leloup, followed by "The Partisan" by Leonard Cohen and "Angel from Montgomery" by John Prine. 

What started two weeks ago with songs of Leonard Cohen sung by the 'virtual choirmaster' Martha Wainwright has continued to gain traction online, garnering hundreds of viewers within the short span of 30 minutes per performance.

Each time singers hit the elevated stage of USRSA's balcony above Avenue du Parc, they're also practicing safe social distancing, as there are no duets taking place (despite there regularly being two artists now), nor is there physical contact between the artists. As the regularly updated Facebook event page indicates, "microphones will be disinfected between performances and [POP Montreal is] taking all necessary precautionary measures to ensure safety and compliance with the sanitary protocol."

In case you missed it, check out last week's performance here with Martha Wainwright and the Cameroon-born, Montreal-based singer and songwriter Clerel:

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