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“Antígonas: Tribunal de Mujeres” de Tramaluna Teatro, bajo dirección de Carlos Satizàbal, es una puesta en escena que revive la antigua tragedia y furia de “Antígona” transformada en voz de quienes han perdido hijos, compañeros y amigos. Vea el mito convertirse en realidad a través de poemas, melodías y danza que materializan la lucha de las mujeres desplazadas de Colombia por alcanzar la justicia.
Como parte del Festival de Teatro Político y el Iberoamerican Studies Series.
Antigonas: Tribunal de Mujeres, directed by Carlos Satizábal is a poetical and lyrical telling of the Greek tragedy through the transformative plight of distraught women whose lives were uprooted when their loved ones disappeared during Colombia’s barbaric decade old arm conflict. This play is a testament to fortitude.
Come Join us in a journey through Colombia’s women internal displacement amid a man’s war.
When: March 13 and 14, 2015 (Friday and Saturday)
Time: 8:00 pm
Where: Intermedia Arts. 2822 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55408
The show is in Spanish, with English open captions.
For tickets click the link below:
This presentation is made possible by a collaboration between Teatro del Pueblo, The University of Minnesota, The College of St Benedict/St John's University and the support of The McKnight Foundation, Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, Teatro Candelaria and the Colombian Government.
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