
Vote for the Miami places you love in Time Out’s annual Love Local Awards

It's time to crown your favorites!

Virginia Gil
Written by
Virginia Gil
USA Editor
Time Out Love Local Awards
Time Out

Real talk: Miami could be a challenging place to live. Traffic is next-level stressful, rent is too high and everybody’s always from somewhere else. Thank God, then, for places. That tiny cafeteria serving life-affirming cafecito out of a window. That restaurant that still lets you in without a reservation. And, of course, the bar you can’t live without. Now we want to hear about them all.

Time Out is launching its annual Love Local Awards today. They’re your chance to tell us about your favorite theatre, museum, bar, restaurant or anything, to give it the exposure it deserves, to show it the love. You can nominate as many venues as you like, of whatever type. Once the nominations are in, you’ll get a chance to vote on the ones you think are the stars of Miami. We’ll feature the most loved ones in Time Out, and those outstanding small businesses–the Time Out Love Local Award Winners of 2021–a valuable free marketing and advertising package to help them thrive. They’ve had a downright awful 18 months, after all.

Launching simultaneously in 14 cities across Europe and North America this year, the Love Local Awards are part of Time Out’s commitment to inspire connection and joy by capturing the soul of the world’s greatest cities and support independent businesses, while offering them a platform to give them the recognition they deserve.

The 2021 Love Local Awards nominations are open from October 26 until November 5. You can vote from November 11 to December 17, and the awards winners will be announced in the New Year.

Right now, it's time to vote for the places you love. Vote now and vote often!

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