
Underrated Miami: Valeting your car

Written by
Ryan Pfeffer
Photograph: Flickr cc/Paolo Gamba

In Underrated Miami, we take a look at very cool Miami things that, for some strange reason, we don’t seem to appreciate as much as we should.

Ride-share apps have, in many ways, made our lives in this city much, much easier. But convenience comes at a price. And what Uber giveth, Uber taketh away.

One unintended consequence of this has been the increasing rarity in which we find ourselves utilizing local valet services. And it’s very possible you are shouting at your computer right now, screaming, “Who cares, Time Out! The last time we valeted our car it smelled like farts for a month and our default radio channels had all been switched to Mongolian throat singing stations!”

First of all, calm down. Second of all, it’s more than likely your Honda Accord smelt like that well before you handed over the keys to a valet attendant and Mongolian throat singing is breathtaking.

Consider for a moment what we lose when we kick the valet out of our lives.

Valeting is an experience as much as a service. Think of it as a form of self-care, no different than treating yourself to a facial or quick massage. In a city where parking is on par with kidney stones, isn’t it a relief to toss your keys to a smiling face and allow them to take care of the whole thing? Doesn’t it make you feel, for a brief moment, a bit like a celebrity?

Good! You deserve that, buddy!

Sure, it’s not free. But (unless you’re going to a super fancy/sketchy place) it’s rarely that much more expensive than an Uber or Lyft there and back. At the jam-packed Brickell City Centre, you’ll pay $10 for the first four hours and $20 after that. The Design District has an even better deal, with $5 for the first four hours and then $10 after that. You also don’t have to worry about trekking back to your car. Just hand your ticket to the closest valet stand in the Design District and they’ll bring the car right to you. Plus, few service industry workers hustle harder—and deserve your tips more—than valet workers.

So next time you find yourself circling the block for the 800th time, your passengers growing increasingly frustrated with each botched parallel parking attempt, just valet it. And, maybe buy an air freshener.

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