In Underrated Miami, we take a look at very cool Miami things that, for some strange reason, we don’t seem to appreciate as much as we should.
If high school consisted of sandwiches (which sounds both terrifying and like a new Netflix drama premiering this September) then the Cuban sandwich would be the popular girl who remains popular simply because people agree that she is popular. It’s like a chicken or the egg scenario. How can someone be popular simply for being popular? How did the popularity form in the first place? Is the rumor about her tampering with the homecoming queen ballots true? Let’s put dog poop in her locker!
But, uh, back to the point. While there is nothing really wrong with the classic Cuban sandwich, its immense popularity has overshadowed some other killed bread and meat creations available right here in Miami. Consider other Cuban classics such as the Medianoche: a slight riff on the Cuban sandwich that uses a sweeter more eggy bread for a brilliant result. And you’ll never catch us throwing a pan con bistec out of bed. A good variation of the thinly sliced steak sandwich can be tough to find, but if you have access to a good one, never let it go. Oh! And don’t forget the frita, a Cuban version of a hamburger that is out-of-this-world delicious and will make a McDonald’s patty cower in shame.
The point is, diversify your sandwich game! Did you know that Latin American serves something called a “cracker sandwich?” How have we not tried that yet?!
So, Cuban sandwich, we love you but it might be time to take a break, just for a bit. There are some other sandwiches we’ve got to get to know before we settle down.
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