
Time Out Market Miami is officially open!

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Time Out Miami editors

Okay, we have to be quick about this because every second we spend typing is a second where we could be eating everything at Time Out Market Miami.

So let’s cut to the chase: Time Out Market Miami is officially open!

The day has finally come and we are now officially 80 percent pork. Why does all this matter to you? Well, the pork part isn’t so important but this means you can finally (finally!) come down to South Beach (1601 Drexel Ave) and eat your way through Time Out Market Miami. We know you’ve had to listen to us tease this thing for quite some time now so you deserve it.

Before you come on down, meet the 18 different kitchens here and prepare to drink! We have bars—plural.

Time Out Market Miami is open seven days a week: Sunday through Thursday from 8am to 11pm and Friday through Saturday from 8am to midnight. See you in a half hour? We’ll save a seat!

 *Photos courtesy

Have you ever flipped through a copy of Time Out Miami magazine and wanted to just take a bite out of it? Yeah, we kind of feel the same way when we’re writing about all that delicious stuff and sorting through those food photos. We have, on more than one occasion, nearly drooled onto our keyboard. That’s sort of the thought process behind Time Out Market: take all these amazing chefs, restaurants and dishes that we rave about and get them all together in one place, the perfect culinary sample of a city. Simply put, the only chefs, bars, restaurants we consider for Time Out Market have already been celebrated by Time Out editors. So before the first drink is poured or the first dish is served, we know it’s a five-star destination. For everything there is to know about the eateries, drinks and art at TOMM, click here.

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