
Six things to do before Friday’s full moon

Virginia Gil
Written by
Virginia Gil
USA Editor

The full moon is nothing to take lightly. It's big and bold, makes for great Instagram content and ushers in new opportunities for growth and renewal. Friday, July 27th, marks the next lunar phase of 2018, a full moon that rests in Aquarius and is thus charged with an energy you can harness to effect some real cosmic change in your life.

There are several ways to channel this celestial power, and for that, we tapped Moon & Jai founder Gina Moon. Her Miami lifestyle brand creates ritual kits complete with everything you need to open yourself up to new possibilities and manifest your desires. If all of this sounds strange and esoteric, Moon is here to unpack the meaning of this upcoming cycle and tell us how to cleanse and recharge before the full moon.

Understand what’s happening. “The full moon is a time to release things that don’t serve us. Take stock of that last moon cycle and ways of being that didn’t help you—sleeping late, poor eating, bad patterns—let go of them and recalibrate. Embrace a new version of yourself. This full moon is about adulting and prioritizing things that are important.”

Consciously let go and set your intentions. “This moon is the longest eclipse of the century so the energy is really strong—whatever we’re focusing on is going to intensify. Ideally, to set your intentions, you would journal and think of a quality that you want to cultivate in the next month. Then you write down the things that didn’t serve you, tear out the paper and throw it in a fire or throw it away.”

Charge your crystals. “Take your crystals outside and allow them to sit under the moonlight overnight. A really good crystal for this full moon is a black tourmaline because it’s very grounding and connects earth to spirit. It’s empowering and it’s going to give us that strength and power to handle those mature responsibilities. It’s my favorite full moon crystal.”

Clean your space. “You can use sage to cleanse your space and then palo santo to bring in blessings, sweetness and good vibes. Sage is antimicrobial and antiviral, which actually changes the ionic composition of the air.”

Get outside. “Being in nature is super important. Be outside as much as possible on Friday night; go sit by the ocean.”

Be kind. “Be gentle with yourself. People aren’t attuned to how we’re affected by these astral things and what’s going on around us. It’s important to be mindful and present.”

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