
How to watch the Perseid meteor shower tonight in Miami

Falyn Wood
Written by
Falyn Wood
Perseid meteor shower
Photograph: Courtesy Unsplash/Juskteez Vu

It’s that time of year again, folks. Often described as the best meteor shower of the year, the Perseids are officially upon us, and Miami is among a handful of northern hemisphere cities being graced with fair visibility. That means it’s time to roll out your lawn blanket, borrow your dad’s old binoculars and snuggle up with a mug of hot tea. Here’s what else you need to know to catch the Perseids in Miami.

This year’s meteor shower began streaking across the skies in late July and is expected to peak overnight Monday into Tuesday, according to For optimal celestial viewing, plan to stay up past your usual weeknight bedtime or set an extra early alarm ‘cause the zooming fireballs will shine brightest between 2am and dawn.

Perseid meteors, caused by debris left behind by the Comet Swift-Tuttle, normally fly by at a rate of over 60 per hour. Unfortunately, this year’s peak coincides with a full moon, meaning we’ll only be able to spot around 15 to 20 per hour. Still, “the Perseids are rich in bright meteors and fireballs,” NASA says, making it a cosmic show stargazers won’t want to miss.

You don’t need any special gear to enjoy nature’s fireworks. Just scope out a spot where it’s dark, preferably far from city lights (may we suggest one of Miami’s best beaches or parks?), and lookup. 

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