
How to go 24 hours without plastic in Miami

Written by
Ryan Pfeffer
Photograph: Unsplash/Dustan Woodhouse

Today, in case you didn’t know, is One Plastic Free Day, a global initiative created by A Plastic Planet. Your mission today is simple: go 24 hours without using or consuming any sort of plastic product. Sound easy? It’s harder than you think. Plastic—especially the particularly environmentally harmful single-use plastic—is nearly everywhere you look. But there’s a big push to change that. Our own beach town of Surfside banned plastic straws earlier this year. Straws, which can be particularly harmful to ocean-dwelling animals like sea turtles, have also been partially banned in Miami Beach (vendors aren’t allowed to distribute them on the beach). So, today, as you try and be more mindful of your plastic use, here are some of Miami’s favorite plastic items to keep an eye out for.

Cafecito cups. We know you need your fix but ask your server for something besides the tiny plastic cups that often hold your Cuban coffee. Maybe get it to-stay and enjoy an actual glass, you barbarian.

Publix Bags. If you still don’t have reusable canvas bags to bring with you to the grocery store, what are you waiting for? They’re cheap, easy and will rid your house of the 1,000,000,000,000 plastic bags floating around in that random kitchen drawer.

Plastic straws. If they don’t have paper, just use your lips—nature’s straw, baby!

Plastic cups. Your barbecue will be equally as fun without a small mountain of red Solo Cups. Go paper or just shoot the liquor directly into your friend's mouth with a water gun. That technique seems to work well at Hyde Beach.

Water bottles. You should really be drinking out of some sort of reusable glass, which you can refill at one of Miami Beach’s new Woosh water stations. Fill up any container at these eco-friendly water dispensers for much cheaper than your average Fiji.

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