We’re really learning how to hold our boundaries here in Miami. Earlier this month, the City of Miami Beach launched an aggressive campaign to end spring break, rolling out new policies like $100 parking fees and DUI checkpoints in an effort to curb the notoriously unruly crowds. While locals and businesses had mixed feelings about the changes, one thing has become clear: Our tolerance for toxic relationships is dwindling. It got us wondering: What else do Miamians need to quit? We decided to ask you, our readers, and you had some pretty interesting responses. Here’s what Miamians want to break up with (besides spring break).

1. “I'd at least like to be on a break with clubstaurants.”
2. “People who don't clean up after their dogs”
3. “Overrated restaurants and their high prices”
4. “Constant stream of IG influencers”

5. “Construction on the highways”
6. “Local government officials”
7. “People that beep at the traffic light 🙄”
8. “Downtown development, although it's really too late”
9. “Memorial Day”
10. “The Spanish language”