
13 uniquely Miami habits people pick up after living here

These are the quirky behaviors that Miamians initially rolled their eyes at but now do on the regular.

Falyn Wood
Written by
Falyn Wood
Miami habits people pick up after living here
Photograph: Shutterstock/MDV Edwards

Before anyone moves to Miami, they have certain ideas about what a Miamian is really like. We all know the clichés—partying all the time, going to the beach every day, consuming tons of Cuban coffee.

Of course, there are also the cringe-y behaviors we’ve all seen Miamians doing that newcomers somehow think they’ll be immune from. But once a transplant picks up the rules of Miami, they change. They become a product of this oppressively steamy, subtropical environment and assume all the quirks they once scoffed at or didn’t fully understand.

We decided to ask our readers the question: “What unique things do you pick up living in Miami?” Below are the 13 most popular answers:

1. Driving like an a-hole

If you’ve lived here long enough, you’re probably beeping your horn as soon as the traffic light turns green, rolling through stop signs, merging without using your blinker, using the right lane as a passing lane, and just brazenly disregarding the rules of the road. You’ve likely also developed an aggressive case of road rage.

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2. Adopting Spanglish as your first language

The Miami accent is real. Despite your best efforts, after enough time, you will catch yourself uttering Miami-isms including “pero like,” “bro” and “literally” far more often than you care to admit. You may even start pronouncing the “L” in salmon.

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Cuban coffee
Photograph: Shutterstock

3. Drinking cafecito

There is absolutely no reason why anyone should be putting that much pure sugar into their coffee, you might have thought at some point. But not long after living here, you’ll understand: cafecito is life. No matter your preferred format, the extremely potent Cuban coffee you consume multiple times a day is 100% necessary.

4. Being chronically late

In Miami, not only is being late to everything acceptable, it’s expected. In fact, some of us might even find it more rude if you show up on time

5. Wearing a jacket as soon as it hits 75 degrees

Cozy season is short and oh-so-sweet in Miami, so you better believe we’re busting out our winter layers while we can. That means hoodies, bombers, biker jackets and puffers the second the temperatures dip below 80.

6. Listening to reggaeton everyday

Studies have shown that people who listen to reggaeton daily are happier, less stressed and have more sex than those who abstain. Just kidding! Regardless of whether any of that’s true, reggaeton is part of the soundtrack of Miami, and it wouldn’t feel like home without it.

Photograph: Courtesy E11even

7. Staying out all night on a Tuesday…

…and not feeling bad about it. In Miami, you’ll find yourself not getting into the shower to get ready for a night out until 11pm. These marathon parties are often fueled by tequila and yes, a rainbow of recreational drugs.

8. Never checking the weather

Unless every single hurricane spaghetti model is showing a direct hit, our behavior won’t really change much. We can tell if it’s raining by looking out a window. And if it is, we’re probably not leaving the house.

9. Eating “Pub subs” for every meal

Our regional grocery store, Publix, is home to the best deli sandwiches anywhere. They’re huge, affordable and packed with whatever combination of deliciousness your imagination can conjure. Bring yours to the beach, scarf it down during a quick work lunch or consume one for any occasion, really.

Publix sub
Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Phillip Pessar

10. Wearing sandals year-round

After a while of living in Miami, you’ll find your socks just aren’t getting the love they used to. In fact, you might not need socks at all, because you’re now maintaining an unhealthy collection of flip-flops that you insist are appropriate no matter where you’re going. Just don’t make the mistake of wearing your chanclas to the club. They will not let you in.

11. Having a superiority complex

It’s not your imagination: For some reason, people here are just ruder. We’re talking about disrespectful attitudes, staring problems, a complete disregard for others or their time, and a (usually unfounded) sense of entitlement.

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12. Getting “work” done

Call it the “Miami glow up,” or don’t. If you live here long enough, there’s a good chance your appearance starts to skew in a certain, more plumped-up direction. BBLs (the “Brazilian butt lift” procedure) are rampant, fillers are 100% normal and a Botox injection is basically more common than the flu shot around here.

13. Boating (and not working)

After a while, you just stop asking what people do for a living.

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