
Watch the Wynwood Walls get painted over for Art Basel 2017

Written by
Ryan Pfeffer
Wynwood Walls
Photograph: Shutterstock

Since it was first erected in 2009, the Wynwood Walls have been the main focal point and most popular attraction in Miami’s art district. The free outdoor mural gallery showcases an international sampling of artists. Shepard Fairey, Maya Hayuk, Lady Pink and many more are listed among the Walls’ talented roster.

Plus, it’s where everyone and their mother goes to take selfies ad nauseam. The Wynwood Walls is prominently displayed in 80 percent of Miami Tinder profiles, according to a statistic we just made up.

But the most exciting time of year for the Walls is upon us: Art Basel. Every year, around this time, a new crop of artists invade the Wynwood Walls to create new stunning pieces. You can watch it happen live on Sunday, November 26, when participating artists begin work on their new murals. It’s all free and open to the public.

Stop by to watch any time before December 5, when the Wynwood Walls will close for a day to prepare for Basel. The Walls will open again on December 6 with a few dozen fresh coats of paint. This year’s participating artists include Seth Globepainter, Joe Iurato, Leon Keer, Tristan Eaton, Lady Pink, eL Seed, 2SHY, Audrey Kawasaki, Bordalo II, Pro176, Risk and Martin Watson.

The theme of the new murals is “humanKIND.” The hope is this will inspire works of empathy and compassion, which should play very nicely in your new Tinder profile pic. 

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