What’s worse than a hangover? The wretched feeling caused by seeing the previous night’s bar tab. (I spent how much on drinks?!)
Here to remedy your partying-related (spending) headaches is South Beach newcomer Copa Room, offering guests a flat-rate, all-inclusive experience.
For the price of an $80 ticket on weekdays and $100 on weekends, you get admission to the club and access to an open bar all night. Top-shelf drinks will cost extra (about $125), while a table service add-on is available for $300. Florida residents receive an even bigger perk than what Walt Disney World gives to locals: 50 percent off the price of a ticket, which can be purchased at the door.
Copa Room (housed in the former Mansion-turned-Icon space) isn’t your typical nightclub scene either. It features Las Vegas-style performances like celebrity impersonators, choreographed dancers and aerial acrobats. The acts come on unexpectedly and perform intermittently, providing a nice break between the usual back-to-back bangers and Pitbull songs on loop.
It officially opens January 27.
1235 Washington Ave, Miami Beach (coparoommiami.com).
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