
30 things Miamians think when visiting Los Angeles

Virginia Gil
Written by
Virginia Gil
USA Editor
Los Angeles
Photograph: Shutterstock

Miamians have strong opinions about Los Angeles—especially when it comes to weather and traffic. The media funnel surrounding pop culture in both cities is partly to blame: from housewives to fast and furious cars, LA always does it first and Miami always thinks it does it better. Do our opinions about Miami measure up to the real thing? Are our attitudes about our west coast counterpart warranted? To find out, we asked a group of Miamians what they really think when visiting Los Angeles. Below, our findings.

1. Traffic here is no joke. How does anyone get anywhere?!

2. Why is cold pressed juice so much cheaper in Los Angeles? It’s $6.50 in Beverly Hills but $10 in Miami.

3. Clubs in LA close at 2am? What am I supposed to do the rest of the night?

4. Jaywalking is a real offense? Is this $250 citation a joke?

5. Driving up hills and through mountains takes really big cojones.


7. Enough with the iced almond-milk lattes. Where can I find Cuban coffee? A colada? A cortadito?

8. Hiking in LA is so fun! *Makes it to the top of the hill* I am NEVER coming down.

9. Streets. Are. So. Steep. Give me back my flat terrain.

10. Why isn’t anyone swimming in the ocean? *Touches the water* I think I got frostbite.

11. Was that a Kardashian?

12. Let’s drive by where [insert celebrity name] OD-ed/cried/died!

13. I thought the Hollywood sign would be bigger.

14. Wait, so celebrities don’t hang out on Hollywood Boulevard?

15. Why is everything is so expensive?

16. People in LA are either really friendly or everyone thinks I’m famous because that’s the fourth person to say hello to me.

17. Is that a real-life Scientologist?

18. There's a Whole Foods on every corner, but why is no one concerned about the smog we are breathing in?

19. Note to self: California boat days are less Jay Z and more Jack Johnson. Bring a hoodie.

20. How many In-N-Out burgers can I smuggle back in my suitcase?

20. Why does traveling in any direction feel like you’re crossing county lines?

21. It hasn’t rained in two days. This isn't normal.

22. One minute my nose is running, the next it is as dry as the desert. LA is ruining my sinuses!

23. I can feel the moisture being sucked out of my face with every passing second.

24. Nighttime in LA is worse than winter in Miami. Why is it so cold?!

25. Will driving a Prius make me cool?

26. People are so chill. Is everyone on drugs?

27. Maybe I need to chill out?

28. Is this what glorious, frizz-free hair feels like?

29. It must be impossible to have a bad-hair day here.

30. Where are all the fat people?

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