People cope with stress in all sorts of interesting ways. Some bake, others eat and, in Florida, we buy dessert. But it’s not just any sweet, it’s a Hurricane Irma-inspired buttercream icing cake. If you’re going to eat your feelings, they may as well be beautifully decorated and loaded with sugar, right? That’s probably what the folks at Florida-based grocery chain Publix were thinking, too. (Elaborate hurricane cakes are also a genius diversion to the store’s depleted water supply.) Here is a roundup of our favorites.
Never change, Miami
We prefer our clichés as cookie decorations, too
Publix has no chill
...or else!
Was this decorated pre or post hurricane?
Is that the eye of the storm? An anus? A bull's-eye? We can't tell.
Simple message, loads of calories
Remember this ‘90s meme?
Not to be confused with Hurricane Jose. Those cakes arrive next week.
Now go make sure you've got homeowner's insurance
Guys, remember to secure all outdoor furniture before the storm
When your anxieties about the Millennium become hurricane anxieties
Furniture mishaps are real
Florida, where the people are tough but the cookies are soft and chewy
Hey, at least the palm tree is still standing
Yep, Florida AF indeed
When your birthday celebration turns into a hurricane party
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