Melbourne Zoo is letting guests get closer than ever before to its super cute red pandas. From September 14 until November 10 you can book in for a red panda encounter at Melbourne Zoo, where you’ll get to feed the pandas as well as learn more about the inquisitive critters from zookeepers.
Despite their name, red pandas are not in fact pandas at all. The reddish-brown cat-sized mammal is actually related to raccoons and weasels, but just like giant pandas, they love snacking on bamboo and are listed as endangered.
To help protect the red panda as well as other endangered species, all proceeds raised from the red panda encounters will go towards Zoos Victoria’s work preventing the extinction of species. The encounters are available every day from 9.50am from now until November 10.
Update 25/10/19: Red Panda encounters have currently sold out.