Postcards From iso Michelle
Photograph: Supplied
Photograph: Supplied

Our favourite submissions from Postcards From Iso

You sent us pictures from your time in Melbourne lockdown – here are our favourite submissions (and the winner!)

Rebecca Russo

When we started our segment Postcards From Iso back in July, we assumed it would go on for six weeks. Melbourne was heading back into lockdown after a brief time out, and the mood was tense. We decided to try something new – we asked our readers to submit images that encapsulated their time under lockdown in Melbourne. 

Every week we’d check the submissions and start smiling. Because despite everything that was going on outside, there were still Melburnians looking for the bright spot – the one thing that made their day just that little bit better. Maybe it was a new hobby, or maybe it was something you saw on your daily walk. Whatever it was, we really enjoyed seeing them (you can check out more of our favourite submissions here) and we’re really thankful to everyone who took part. 

But now, it’s time to pick a winner. First, honourable mentions go to:


"Apparently, nostalgia has psychological benefits in times of a pandemic crisis? (NatGeo article) Although l made this work today, l don’t feel a wistful longing to go back to Frankston in the '80s..."


"This is a comic I have drawn titled "What Day Is It". I've been staying home and the longest time, and only going out for a quick supermarket dash when necessary, and I pretty much look like this..."


With lockdown, I started collecting quite a lot of HelloFresh boxes and also started saving all my coffee cups, since Keep Cups were out. So we recycled them into a Cat-Tank for our cats to play in."

And our winner: Michelle

"Every weekend for about eight weeks I dressed up in wigs and different outfits pretending to be different people and taking photos of different scenarios. It made solo life in lockdown seem a bit less lonely and made me laugh."

Thanks so much to every single Melburnian who submitted something – there were so many of you it was so hard to pick a winner! Next time we’re at the bar we’ll buy you all a round.

See more Postcards From Iso submissions

  • Things to do

A couple of months ago we launched a new weekly segment. It was called Postcards from Iso, and it's where we shared stories, photos, silly fun facts and brilliant inspiration for the remainder of lockdown all thanks to our wonderful readers. Here are our favourite submissions.

Check out more things to do at home

  • Things to do

We've collected the best ways for you to experience Melbourne while staying at home here into this hub, so you can stay sane, comfortable, fed, watered and entertained at home – while helping small business owners, hospitality workers and creative people who desperately need your business.

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