George is a three-year-old miniature dachshund who lives in Reservoir with his long suffering yet still adoring owner, Dom Morgan. With a cheeky streak and an ego the size of Texas, George likes everyone to know he’s in the room, even if it means falling asleep on people’s feet so they can’t move.
George, we hear you love your food?
Oh yeah, when I get hungry I don’t want to bother anyone, so I just find my own food. I love getting into the bin – there’s so much good stuff in there! I also know where my dry food is kept. For some reason Dom keeps the dry food up high. That doesn’t make sense to me, because I am so low to the ground. Why would he do that? Anyway, one time I worked out a way to get up there and drag the dry food packet down. Boy, did I have a big feed that day!
You seem to get up to a lot of mischief...
My owner says that what I lack in legs, I make up for in personality. I am pretty curious and sometimes when I get bored I make special artworks by tearing up tissues, shoes and whatever else I can find around the house. Dom always uses his iPhone to capture the artwork I’ve created just for him, so he must like my work.
You seem pretty confident for a little guy?
I sure am. I do have fears though. I really don’t like swimming. The waves are so big that my little legs can’t outrun them. Every wave is like a tsunami to me. So no more beach trips please!
Read more about the Secret life of Melbourne Pets.