We ask five prominent Melburnians: What does kindness mean to you?

We asked five altruistic Melburnians for their interpretations of the K word

Rose Johnstone

Sometimes, small acts of kindness can make a big impact. For more ways to change the world in small ways, check out these great places to volunteer in Melbourne.

1. Dr Susan Carland, Muslim academic, teacher and broadcaster

“Kindness means always giving people the benefit of the doubt, excuses, or miles of slack, even when it's hard or seems undeserved.”

2. Adam Bandt MP, Federal Member for Melbourne, Australian Greens

“Despite the constant encouragement to accept a 'dog eat dog' world that kicks people to the kerb, kindness reminds me that we'd all much rather care about the other living beings we share this place with.”


3. Rosie Batty, domestic violence campaigner and 2015 Australian of the Year

"I see kindness in the compassion, understanding and support that community members provide to those affected by family violence. I am determined to help grow and encourage that kindness by raising awareness of the tragically high rates of family violence we currently face and the change we desperately need.”

4. Kon Karapanogiotidis OAM, CEO and founder of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

"Giving the best of yourself to others when no one is expecting it of you.”


5. Julian Burnside AO QC, barrister and advocate for human rights and refugees

“Imagine yourself in another person’s position, and treat them as you would want to be treated if you were in their position.  But the starting position is to imagine yourself as that other person.”

How to do good in Melbourne

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Choose kindness
Choose kindness

Feeling down about the state of things? Let us inspire you with the stories of the Melbourne-based organisations and people working for a better world. Plus, our pick of the social enterprises and charities that you can get involved with.

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