Celebrate the diversity of Victoria’s community by taking part in this photography project

This is your chance to help create a vibrant snapshot of the people of Victoria
  1. A brunette woman holds a large black camera up to her face to take a photo.
    Photograph: Supplied/Metro Tunnel Creative Program
  2. A woman crouching down takes a photo of a small child with outstretched arms.
    Photograph: Supplied/Metro Tunnel Creative Program
By Time Out in association with the Metro Tunnel Creative Program

Do you have a connection with someone – it could be a family member, friend, colleague or neighbour – who would not only feel comfortable having their photograph taken, but also sharing an insight into their life? If that’s a yes to both, they may just be the ideal candidate to be part of 101 Victorians.

This special project is all about shining a light on the normal, everyday folk who make up Victoria’s diverse community. It was inspired by the One Hundred Years exhibition by British artist Jenny Lewis, whose intimate portraits depicted people from her hometown of Hackney in London.

One Hundred Years is showing as part of Photo 2022 (a major new international festival of photography, which will run in Melbourne from April 29 to May 22), and with permission from both the event organisers and Jenny Lewis, the Metro Tunnel Creative Program will be sharing 101 Victorians as an online gallery. 

All Victorian residents are invited to participate in this photographic series, and you don’t need to have any previous experience, fancy gear or professional editing skills to get involved – a smartphone will easily do the trick. 

To best capture the essence of the person you are photographing, it’s important to set your subject up in a place they feel most at ease. This could be at their home or a Covid-safe outdoor setting like a balcony, garden, parklands or the beach. There are no age restrictions, and the person you choose doesn’t need to be famous or successful. Organisers are hoping to receive images that portray Victorians from many different backgrounds, including First Nations people.

To complete your entry you’ll also need to provide a quote from your subject. It can be up to 200 words in length, and should reflect their current life stage, rather than a biographical description of themselves. 

Applications for 101 Victorians open on January 17, with final submissions due by February 7. It is free to be involved and while this is not a paid opportunity, every photographer will be credited for their contribution. For further information head to the website.

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