Ox the Baker Ox Noonan working
Photograph: Graham Denholm

Made in Melbourne

We ask the Melburnians lovingly crafting local wares what it takes to make it in a tough industry

Melbourne is a city that likes to keep things local. Its designers, entrepreneurs and makers take pride in creating anything from furniture to top-shelf whiskies within city limits. So what is it that makes the city an incubator for all things locally made? We ask the people who have successfully made the most of everything Melbourne's offered to them.

On a budget? Here are our favourite places for cheap shopping in Melbourne and our ultimate guide to cheap things to do in Melbourne. 

Keeping it local

Pop and Scott

Pop and Scott

The homewares business owners on crafting the Melbourne look
Starward Whisky

Starward Whisky

David Vitale on what it takes to create a successful craft whisky label
Dress Up

Dress Up

Designer Stephanie Downey on why manufacturing locally is a labour of love