Dendy Cinema

Slipping past karaoke hub Charlton’s, I’m daunted by the ‘Nude Girls’ neon of the innocent surounding Dendy Cinema. Are we joining a legion of pervs in trenchcoats straddling bins of tissues? A garrulous moustachioed dude sits in the adult shop opposite an archway advertising ‘Live Peeps $2’. Here we go.
I’m instantly lasered by the bare vagina of a lithe Asian girl. Attuned to averting my eyes from strangers’ cleavages, this directly upsets my synapses. Thankfully, four bucks only gets 80 seconds of personal attention before the shutter clumps down.
Moustache Man says the adult cinema upstairs is air-conditioned, smoke-free and – he eagerly nods to us as a couple – sometimes populated by swingers. A sweet, punky-looking American dancer hints that it can get pretty crazy up there. An adult performer’s opinion of crazy in a porn theatre can’t be much worse than mine, right?
Services: Internet arcades, video/DVD preview arcades, cinemas, peep shows, live girls one-on-one.
1-3 Coverlid Pl, Melbourne. 03 9663 2993.