Milk The Cow Carlton
Laura Lown

What should I drink with that cheese?

Laura Lown, head cheesemonger at Milk the Cow, shares her wisdom on the perfect cheese and drink pairings


We all know cheese and booze are the star-crossed lovers of the gastronomic world. Having one without the other is some kind of foodie blasphemy, but it’s often hard to decide on which fromage to pair with which bevvie. Check out Milk the Cow’s head cheesie Laura Lown’s wise words below, then peruse the best cheese shops and the best bars to make your cheese dreams come true. 

Cheese and booze pairings

1. Goat chèvre and gin

Gin really goes well with a good goat or sheep cheese. Chèvre is citric and botanical, carrying the flavours of any botanicals gin beautifully and elevating both to new heights.

2. Triple cream Brie and Champagne

The acidity in sparkling wine and Champagne cuts perfectly through high fat content cheeses like triple cream brie and is an example of how contrasts can pair together. A great pairing for a Champagne breakfast or brunch.

3. Blue cheese and whisky

Pair a peaty whisky with a big spicy, salty blue like roquefort. The peatier the whisky, the more assertive the cheese needs to be to match up to it in intensity.

4. Burrata and pilsner beer

This is an example of complementing flavours – light beers call for young, fresh cheeses. I'm crushing on the pilsner and burrata combination right now. If you like your beer heavier, try a thick chocolaty stout with decadent triple or double cream brie. It’s almost like eating tiramisu or chocolate cake.

5. Herbal cheese and rosé

Rosé goes so well with Mediterranean-style semi-hard and hard cheeses – two in particular are the Queso Mahon, from Minorca in Spain, rubbed in paprika and the Fleur de Maquis which is rolled in herbs like rosemary and fennel. These cheeses sing of summer pastures and flora, similar to a rosé which is all berries and summertime in a glass.

What grows together, goes together

Laura Lown says:

“Beautiful artisan produce means you can taste the terroir of where it was grown, what the animals fed on, sometimes even the fresh salt air of a seaside location. So if you're getting wine from the Yarra Valley, for instance, find some nearby cheese from there and voila, you should have a match!”

Wine on your mind?

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