Can there be a delicacy more democratic than the donut? Daniel’s is the people’s doughnut dispensary. Affordable (any six for $18) and open 24 hours, it expertly covers the classics – jam and glazed – and the cutting-edge: Nutella M&M, Tiramisu and the whole-Snickers-inside ‘Snickers Podnut’. While unlikely ever to be available on a doctor’s prescription, all of Daniel’s creations are seriously feelgood; but, after extensive and rigorous testing (and retesting), we declare the old-school jam-and-cream donut to be champ. Airy and sugar-coated, it’s sliced vertically to create a deep trench for the fluffiest cloud of cream and a dollop of strawberry jam. Yes, it’s sweet, but never is it sickly. And a pro tip for doughnut care: Daniel’s staff keep the box lid ajar so the cream stays intact. Surrounds are clean and functional, the service is speedy and efficient – good to know when the line’s snaking out the door.
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